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18+ ENGLISH language & Русский язык

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Белая мгла читать онлайн бесплатно

Раздел: Книги на русском языке

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Секретная правительственная лаборатория ограблена! Сверхсовременная система сигнализации почему-то не сработала. Лаборант, занимавшийся разработкой вакцины против таинственного вируса, погиб. И похищен контейнер, содержащий смертельный вирус. Кто подвергает угрозе жизни сотен тысяч людей?! Расследование начинает начальник службы безопасности лаборатории Тони Галло. Пока ее надежда – снежная буря, которая должна хотя бы на время остановить преступников!

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WHITE FANG Jack London

Раздел: Книги на английском

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Белый клык - приключенческая повесть Джека Лондона, главным героем которой является полусобака-полуволк по кличке Белый Клык. Впервые произведение опубликовано в нескольких номерах журнала The Outing Magazine с мая по октябрь 1906 года. Книга рассказывает о судьбе прирученного волка во время золотой лихорадки на Аляске в конце XIX века.

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Sanne Vloet

Раздел: Текст на английском

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Happy Halloween! Who else celebrated this weekend and what did you wear? I went to a costume party on Friday, but I wasn't fully prepared! So thanks to some suggestions from you guys, I found a link to DIY zombie costume and it WORKED! Let me know what you guys wore and if anyone else was a zombie you can grade my costume!

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Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Раздел: Рассказы на английском

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Сказка, написанная английским математиком, поэтом и писателем Чарльзом Лютвиджем Доджсоном под псевдонимом Льюис Кэрролл и изданная в 1865 году. В ней рассказывается о девочке по имени Алиса, которая попадает сквозь кроличью нору в воображаемый мир, населённый странными антропоморфными существами. Сказка пользуется устойчивой популярностью как у детей, так и взрослых.

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Connie Talbot

Раздел: Текст на английском

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Here is a new song that I have recently written. I hope you like it and please have a sing-a-long with the lyrics. Thank you so much for the love and support, I couldn't do it without you♡

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Vertigo Quick Fix & Sole Water | Zuzka Light

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In my latest Coffee Talk, I quickly went over my newest favorite drink: sole water. It’s a time-honored remedy that’s amazing for your health, and is so easy to make. In case you didn’t watch through my video, here’s what you need to know about Sole Water, the benefits of drinking it, and how to make it.

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Sanne Vloet

Раздел: Текст на английском

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So I have a question for you guys, I have been filming “What I Eat in a Day” videos with a lot of different recipes, but I was thinking maybe it could be fun to film a video on exactly what I eat in a day, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, & DINNER? Let me know in the comments below and if you guys really want me too I will start working on it! As always I hope you guys enjoyed this video so don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and please subscribe for more videos!

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Раздел: Текст на английском

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Let’s be real. Sale shopping is pretty grim at the best of times. Traipsing around shopping centres for hours, stores look like bomb sites and the poor sales assistants bare the brunt of grumpy…

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Inthefrow ♔ london

Раздел: Текст на английском

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Subscribe for three fashion and beauty videos a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 7pm GMT!
When I'm not filming, I am a UK Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger at Inthefrow.com!

I can also be found everywhere @ Inthefrow!

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Julio Janpierre

Раздел: Текст на английском

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I am very sentimental and is very difficult for me to hide my feelings from my expressions, depending on my mood, I choose my next adventure. I think that's where my creativity comes from. I'm just me and I enjoy every moment of my life in my way.

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Раздел: Текст на английском

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When I came to the pool area at our hotel in Positano, I saw a super chic elderly Italian woman who was lying on a sun bed next to the breathtaking Positano views and seeing her inspired me to create something new and special…

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Erik Conover

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Conover creates travel series featuring incredible destinations around the World, along with documenting life in New York City while he is not on the road.

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Amymarie Gaertner

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I have a passion for dancing and music- they are some of the most important aspects of my life. I'm in love with all forms of creative expression and also a lover of art, fashion, traveling, cooking and pretty much anything that involves having fun.

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alex_willly ‪With some downtime, and the fear that...

Раздел: Текст на английском

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alex_willly‪With some downtime, and the fear that I’m “getting old” eating away at my brain for breakfast every day the past week, I decided to make a list of some of the most important things I think I’ve accomplished thus far in my life.

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Brittany M. Cavaco

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Brittany Cavaco
Pro Ballet Dancer ◇ Model ◇ Pilates Instructor Blogger ◇ World Traveler ◇ Business Student

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DIY Room Decor! 10 DIY Room Makeover Ideas for Teens!

Раздел: Текст на английском

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Hey guys! I haven't done a DIY room decor video in so long, so I figured it's about time to finally make one! I love these 10 room decoration ideas so much! My favorite is probably the giant pillow or emoji grass pots :D What about yours? Thank you for watching cuties, sending you lot's of love!

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Sneak Candy in Class! 19 DIY Edible School Supplies & School Pranks!

Раздел: Текст на английском

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Who's ready for my back to school videos? I've literally been filming school DIYs since April, guys! It was intense, but really wanted to give you an amazing back to school season on my channel :D Since you LOVED my first sneak candy in class video I decided to show even more ideas on how to sneak food in class! I love all of these DIY edible school supplies

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Anne Reburn

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Music, occasional vlogs, and a spoonful of Spanglish. I am mediocre at many things.

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Julia Westlin is creating Music Videos

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I am Julia ! Music and Art is my life. I make music videos that I share online with the world ! I sing, play piano and guitar. It is my dream to live with my passion for music and art because I feel that I can help people through my creations. One of the most wonderful feelings for me is when I receive messages from you telling me that you've found comfort in my songs through a rough period. That my songs were your wedding music on your special day, that my music are your lullaby's or helps you get through the day. This is when i know that what I do is important not only for me, but for many others in the world. This is my contribution.

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Hercules Serpents Shadows by Timothy Boggs

Раздел: Рассказы на английском

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Аид — властитель загробного мира. Много лет назад он был фактически сослан своим старшим братом Зевсом в глубины Ада и теперь намерен наверстать упущенное, собрав армию монстров и захватив Олимп. Единственный, кто может помешать Аиду — сын Зевса, юный Геркулес, поэтому прислужники злодея похищают младенца и превращают его в простого смертного. Спустя много лет юноша узнает о своем происхождении и ставит целью вернуться домой, но для этого ему придется совершить немало подвигов и стать настоящим героем. Но, как выясняется, даже победы над силами зла недостаточно, чтобы вернуть божественное начало...

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Jaws by Peter Benchley

Раздел: Рассказы на английском

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Триллер, на основе которого был снят всемирно известный фильм «Челюсти».

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